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  1. Amateur Radio Regulations (Part 97) courtesy of ARRL
  2. QTH.NET Mailing Lists
  3. QSL.NET
  4. SWL.NET
  5. Hard-Core-dx.com
  6. Propagation
  7. Technical Standards
  8. K1DWU Dot Net (w/Ham-Links)
  9. ARRL Contest Results
  10. Amateur Radio Today Video, High-Speed Digital Networks and Multimedia
  11. [Public Service] [Call Sign Lookup] [GPS (Global Position System) - APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System] [Organizations] [Gateways - Packet - VoIP] [Antennas] [Television] [Frequencies] [Software] [Unclassified] [ICQ] [Rings]

    [Top of Page]
    1. AC6V's Technical Reference Index
    2. Amateur Radio Reference Library (N8UT)
    3. HAM-WWW.HTML: Amateur Radio Webpages on Internet (WZ1V)
    4. Worldwide Amateur Radio Information

    Public Service

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  12. Amateur Radio Public Service
  13. The Public Service Communications Manual
  14. Net Directory Search
  15. Skywarn - Information - Observation Criteria
  16. Skywarn Amateur Radio Association
  17. Call Sign Lookup

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  18. The QRZ Call Sign Lookup Page
  19. Buckmaster's World Wide HamCall(tm) Server
  20. K3WWP's QSL Routes - - Alternate URL
  21. GPS (Global Postion System) - APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System)

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  22. Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel's GPS Information Website
  23. Global Position System Overview
  24. A Practical Guide to GPS - UTM
  25. The Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Resource Library
  26. U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center - Global Positioning System Resource Page
  27. Mac - Automatic Packet Reporting System (for both Mac and Windows)
  28. Find Latitude & Longitude (Searchable Index)
  29. DGPS Site Coverages for the United States
  30. Geocode (Look up an Address)
  31. Sam Wormley's Maps & Mapping Agencies
  32. GEOnet Names Server
  33. Aviation Formulary
  34. Navstar GPS Home Page
  35. GPS Waypoint Collection
  36. APRS Whitepaper
  37. APRS - TRAKnet
  38. APRS Database Access
  39. N1BQ's APRS Search Page
  40. APRSPoint
  41. Topographic Maps
  42. ARRL Grid Square Locator
  43. Aerial Photographs and Topographic Relief Images
  44. Microsoft MapPoint
  45. Organizations

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  46. MARS
  47. Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR)
  48. The American Radio Relay League
  49. Amateur Radio Newsline
  50. The Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Bureau, Amateur Radio Service
  51. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
  52. CITEL Inter-American Telecommunication Commission
  53. European Radiocommunications Office
  54. AMSAT
  55. ARISS
  56. SETI League
  57. Universal Licensing System (FCC)
  58. FCC Report and Order - Licensing Restructure
  59. WRC-2003
  60. HFPack. The HF Portable Group.
  61. The International Morse Preservation Society
  62. Gateways - Packet - VoIP

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  63. Internet Ham Radio (ARRL Source)
  64. I-Link VK2JTP -- -- I-Link Program M0CSH
  65. W2XO's Gateway between the Internet and the Amateur Packet Radio Network
  66. K4CJX WinLink
  67. List of Stations Gateways/Services
  68. Symek Packet-Radio - Data Communication (English)

  69. Digital Ham Operator
  70. PSK31 Info Page
  71. Digipan (PSK31 Freeware)

  72. W7DXX Remote-Controlled HF
  73. W4MQ Remote-Controlled SSB and CW
  74. Winlink2000

  75. EchoLink
  76. iLink Boards -- -- VA3TO Linking Interface
  77. eQSO
  78. Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) Network
  79. Internet Radio Linking Project -- IRLP 4 KIDS
  80. Antennas

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  81. W4RNL
  82. Antenna Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT)
  83. Television

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  84. ATV Sites of Interest
  85. Slow Scan TV
  86. Geostationary Transponder Charts (Commercial)
  87. Amateur Television Equipment
  88. 14 TW 027
  89. Frequencies

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  90. Band Plan
  91. PerCon Datafinder
  92. DX Summit - DX-Spots and other information for Radio Amateurs
  93. Amateur Radio Frequency Coordinators
  94. NIST Network Time Service
  95. Sunsat Oscar-35 and Amateur Radio
  96. Klingenfuss Links - Utility Radio Frequencies
  97. Software

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  98. N3FJP's Amateur Radio/Software Web Page
  99. XMLog Windows Logging System (FreeWare)
  100. G4FGQ's Computer Programs
  101. RV3APM
  102. Unclassified

    [Start of Amateur Radio Section]

  103. First Radio Message - Reginald Fessenden
  104. Slovenian ATV, Repeaters, Beacons, S51KQ Hardware & Software, Broadcast
  105. eHam.net
  106. eQSL.cc
  107. Ham Radio Online
  108. Radio User's Page
  109. RAC Shortwave Listeners
  110. Harry's Homebrew Page
  111. DXer.com Home Page
  112. Brad Dye's Paging Information Resource
  113. Electronic Specialists - Download speedup, modems, surge suppressors, RFI filters, arresters
  114. Bry's Amateur Radio Links
  115. G4NJH Amateur Radio in UK Pages
  116. Tromsx Satellite Station (Polar Satellites)
  117. The Military Communications Equipment List
  118. Radio-TNC Wiring Diagrams Index
  119. Year 2000 and ISO 8601Or AlternateYear 2000 and ISO 8601
  120. Radios On-Line
  121. The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy
  122. Morse Code Made Mild
  123. Virtual Oscilloscope
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