Political Campaigns -- Classified BookMark --

Politics -- Campaigns -- Results

Election Resources on the Internet - Bush Administration Cabinet Thomas -- Legislative Information on the Internet and Taxes

  1. Southern Maryland 2002 Elections
  2. Washington Post Politics - The American President - Election 2000
  3. Politics - How the system works
  4. Project Vote Smart--Candidates and Elected Officials
  5. Election Infomation (1996 - 2000)
  6. Official Maryland 2000 Presidential Election
  7. Maryland Election Results (1996)
  8. Virginia Election Results (1996)
  9. 2000 Presidential Election Results
  10. District of Columbia (D.C.) Election Results (2000)
  11. District of Columbia (D.C.) Election Results (1996)
  12. Regional Election Results (1997)
  13. Reference Works on Electoral History and Politics
  14. Committees of Correspondence Home Page

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2002 November 16.