Decimalization Conversion Table

Fraction 	  Decimal 	  Converted Price 	  Converted Price
Price	  	  Price			Buy Orders	  Sell Orders
1/32 	 	 0.03125 		 $0.03 			 $0.04  
1/16  	 	 0.0625 		 $0.06 			 $0.07  
3/32 		 0.09375 		 $0.09 			 $0.10  
1/8 		 0.125			 $0.12 			 $0.13  
5/32  	 	 0.15625	 	 $0.15 			 $0.16  
3/16         	 0.1875   	         $0.18              	 $0.19  
7/32		 0.21875		 $0.21 			 $0.22  
1/4	       	 0.25		 	 $0.25 		 	 $0.25  
9/32		 0.28125		 $0.28 			 $0.29  
5/16        	 0.3125	  	 	 $0.31		  	 $0.32  
11/32		 0.34375 	 	 $0.34  		 $0.35  
3/8  	 	 0.375		 	 $0.37 			 $0.38  
13/32 	 	 0.40625 		 $0.40 			 $0.41  
7/16  		 0.4375  		 $0.43  		 $0.44  
15/32  	 	 0.46875 	 	 $0.46 	 		 $0.47  
1/2  		 0.5  		 	 $0.50  		 $0.50  
17/32  		 0.53125 	 	 $0.53  		 $0.54  
9/16  		 0.5625 	 	 $0.56  	   	 $0.57  
19/32  	  	 0.59375  	 	 $0.59  		 $0.60  
5/8  	   	 0.625  	 	 $0.62  	  	 $0.63  
21/32  		 0.65625 	 	 $0.65 		 	 $0.66  
11/16  	 	 0.6875 	 	 $0.68  		 $0.69  
23/32  	 	 0.71875  		 $0.71  		 $0.72  
3/4  	 	 0.75  		 	 $0.75  		 $0.75  
25/32  		 0.78125 	 	 $0.78  		 $0.79  
13/16  	 	 0.8125  		 $0.81  		 $0.82  
27/32  	 	 0.84375  		 $0.84  	 	 $0.85  
7/8  	 	 0.875  	 	 $0.87  		 $0.88  
29/32  		 0.90625 	 	 $0.90  		 $0.91  
15/16 		 0.96875 	 	 $0.96 		 	 $0.97  
For additional information, see
  • Decimalization.

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